Now there is absolutely no reason to get worried or upset yet: you still don't know what is going on. However, talking to a licensed mental health professional to check out the symptoms you are experiencing – is something you should not delay.

At our office, we do not prescribe medications. You set up an appointment for a diagnostic interview, and we thoroughly discuss what is bothering you. Our goal is to determine the nature of the problem and whether treatment is necessary. Some people call it 
counseling, others psychotherapy – you choose the term that sounds more comfortable to you. 

What Happens Next?

Have you been feeling unhappy, sad, anxious lately? Has getting out of bed become a challenge? Do you feel tired, irritable, sleepy?

Have you lost interest in things or activities you used to love? Or is it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night? Would you rather be alone than around people?

Is This Depression?

Ella Frantz, LCSW

The bottom line is – depression is a condition that is quite common and treatable.

Don't Hide From Depression - Get Help!
You Will Be So Happy You Did!

If treatment is indicated, we answer all your questions and address any concerns you might have. Don't worry about your appointment schedule - we understand you are busy - we'll make it work.

In some cases, we might additionally suggest seeing an MD /psychiatrist to evaluate if there is a need for medications that might help you heal faster. However, each person feels differently about this step. Realizing that, we always tell you that the choice is always yours: you are the only one who can make that decision.

You have trouble focusing and functioning at work, even doing things around the house. You plan to do something, but when it comes to actually doing it – you seem to have no energy. The truth is that often, you feel like you don't care anymore.

You tried to do something about it.  Exercise, eating better, natural remedies...  You did your research, even talked to your family doctor. But nothing has changed – you are still not feeling better. What should you do?

Almost each day, there is a commercial on TV about depression.  Thousands and thousands of people are asking themselves: “Is it me?” But when it comes to taking action to find out – seeing a specialist - they choose not to, or keep postponing that phone call.

If the answer to some of these questions is “yes”– it's okay, don't worry,  just keep reading....

Individual and Couples Therapy

Copyright 2015

Contact Us:

Ella Frantz, LCSW

Tel: 650-382-4106            