Ella Frantz, LCSW

Contact Us:

Ella Frantz, LCSW

Tel: 650-382-4106            
email: efrantz@YourSuccessTherapy.com

Self-help books are great, and yes, some articles may offer helpful tips and suggestions. The question is: were they written specifically for you? Your age, gender, culture and family upbringing? Your personality, thinking, life experiences? Simply put – the very unique YOU. And, is the problem or situation they address, absolutely identical to the one you are struggling with now – 

in every little detail? If the answer is "no" -

doesn't it make sense to look for help in a place where solutions are geared precisely towards your current situation and your specific needs?

This is the reason why people go to counseling...


Individual and Couples Therapy

Copyright 2015

You can call it whatever feels more comfortable to you: counseling, psychotherapy, or simply therapy. The truth is - it all boils down to one goal: getting the help you need to live a happy, fulfilling, and emotionally healthy life.

Sometimes, in this fast-paced and stressful world, we need to work certain things out, no matter where the problem comes from – family, business, 
relationships, dealing with the past, or other issues.

If you are feeling unhappy, resentful, stressed out, overwhelmed - a few counseling sessions may be just what you need to make things different. The help and support you get in counseling, can guide you to a better understanding of what is going on and how to efficiently handle the problem.